NETNOTE 1 : THE electronic post-it ---------------------------------- This file contains informations on the latest changes which are not in help file : Version 1.6 : You can send a note by e-mail (32 bits version only) ------------------------------------------------------------------ Click on the Send button, and then, on the 'Send the note by e-mail' button. It opens a Exchange (or mail) window, where the Subject field is filled with the resume, and the mail text is filled with the Note text. The note text is converted from RTF to simple text. Version 1.6a : Display bug corrected ------------------------------------ The display problem when you receive a note with 'Read notify' is now corrected. Version 1.6a : You can create a note by the 'New' popup menu (32 bits only) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- I added a new item in the 'New' popup menu of contextual menus in Desktop, Cabinet, Open/Save dlg , ... This create a new note (but not in the place you called the menu !). NB : There is sometimes a problem with the beta version of Win95 shell for NT 3.51 : the 'New NetNote1' action close the shell ! That must be a beta problem ! Version 1.6b : Bug corrected in registration -------------------------------------------- Before this version, you couldn't register a user more than 7 characters (instead of 8) ! Version 1.7 : Display the number of notes in the active wnd title bar is now an option -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Some NetNote user didn't like to see the number of notes in the active window title bar. Now you can choose if you want to display it or not. That option is in the Config dialog (right button on the '?' button). Version 1.7 : Cut / Copy / Paste -------------------------------- I added these 3 items in the text popup menu. Using the clipboard between 2 notes keeps the style. Version 1.7 : Compuserve registration ------------------------------------- You can register NetNote in the Compuserve forum SWREG. The NetNote registration ID is 7636. Version 1.7b : Add CTL3D32.DLL to the Zip file ---------------------------------------------- I thought this DLL was included in Win95 or NT, but it's false ! In fact, you get it with other Microsoft softwares (Word, Excel, ...). So now, you should have no lauching error when you start NetNote on a PC without other Microsoft softwares. Version 1.7c : Minor corrections in code ---------------------------------------- These modifications are only for esthetic of code ! ==> no visual modifications, maybe a little bit fatster, no ? Version 1.7d : More automatic save ---------------------------------- When Windows 95 crash, new notes were not correctly saved. I added automatic save when you switch between Normal & Reduce mode, when you move a note, and when the note loose the focus. Version 1.7d : Resolve attraction problems ------------------------------------------ Some notes couldn't be attracted, attraction made some notes leaving the screen, ... All of this problems were corrected for small fonts. There are still minor problems with large fonts. Don't forget ------------ If you have problems or if you want a french, a german or a 16 bit version, send me a e-mail (